Learn All About

Who we are at Still Waters Church.

Core Beliefs

The Bible is the inspired, inerrant, and authoritative Word of God for the Christian faith and living. (The Bible)

That there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
(God the Father)

In the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, His sinless life, His miracles, His vicarious and atoning death, His bodily resurrection, His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and His personal return in power and glory. (God the Son)

In the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling every Christian is able to live a godly life. (God the Holy Spirit)

That all people are lost sinners and must turn to Christ in saving faith and repentance for regeneration by the Holy Spirit. (Salvation)

In the resurrection of both those who believe in Jesus and those who do not believe: those believing to eternal life with Christ and those unbelieving to eternal punishment in hell.

We Are Family

We are men, women, children, young and old.  We are plumbers, bankers, electricians, businessmen and women.  We are students, teachers, mothers and fathers, motorcycle riders, mechanics, athletes, and artists.  Some of us wear jeans, some wear slacks.  We wear dresses and sweatpants.  But, most of all we are family.

New Here?

At Still Waters Church, you'll find a place to connect with real people and real families.  Join us for Sunday Service, fellowship, worship, and great events for all ages.

When We Meet