Let It Go

Series: The Altared Life

March 21, 2020 | Pastor Darren DiBartolomeo

Passage: 1 Peter 5:1-7

If you literally let go and cast your cares on God, and communicating with God in prayer, and you're staying connected to God, there's going to be a confidence in you. It won't be an act, it will be real! And people are going to say, "How come you're not panicking like I am, how come you're not fearful like I am?" And you're response will be, "Because I know He loves me, and I know He'll protect me, and I know He's with me right now! And I know that there's nothing eternally bad can happen to me, because everything in my life, including my death, is according to the plan of God and it ends in a love story with an embrace from God. I WON'T BE AFRAID!"
- Pastor Darren

1 Peter 5:1-7

Related Scripture:

Psalm 23:1-4
2 Timothy 1:7
John 14:1
Romans 8:31
Joshua 1:9

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Series Information

A five-week series leading to Resurrection Sunday 2020.  We're focusing on concentrating all of ourselves to our Lord.

Other sermons in the series

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