Moving from the Mountaintop to the Mission God Has For You

October 01, 2023 | Pastor Darren DiBartolomeo

Passage: Mark 9:1-8

"When you get intimate with God, it will start to show on the outside. You'll have this glow - you can see the countenance change, there's a joy, and a special sign that you're close to God. It's wonderful! And God wants us to have these experiences. He wants us to be that close to Him. Because it empowers us, it equips us, when you feel the presence of God like that, you're invisible. Life doesn't get easier - why are you smiling, did you win the lottery? No. Did life at home get easier? No. Did someone pay all your bills for you? No! Did gas prices for you go down? No. None of that. Life is still hard. But what is this glow and this joy? It's from experiencing closeness with God."

Mark 9:1-8
Philippians 1:9-10

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