The Journey from Disloyal to Devoted

January 15, 2023 | Pastor Darren DiBartolomeo

Passage: Hosea 1:1-9

"Commercialism is built on: 'You need this.' You need this medication, You need this vacation. You need this alcoholic beverage. You need this lifestyle. You need this lustful satisfaction. That's what commercialism is all about. We have to protect our hearts from that. Be ready when God asks this question: Are you devoted to me? Are you loyal to me? Are you really in love with me? Am I the love of your life?"

Hosea 1:1-9
Hosea 3:1-5
John 14:15
Matthew 5:27-28
Proverbs 4:23
James 4:4
1 John 2:15-16

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