The Power of "I'm Sorry"

September 17, 2023 | Pastor Darren DiBartolomeo

"Sincere repentance. How about today, we come to God and say, 'I'm sorry. I'm sorry for what my life has become - I know it can be more for You.' I'm speaking to myself this morning, there's too much Darren left. There's more of me to give to God. He deserves all of me - all my heart, my actions, my desires, my dreams. I always have this image of arriving at Heaven. With Jesus greeting me, and He says, 'Thank you for trusting me...' but then He's gonna ask me a question: 'Who'd you bring?' The perfect image of a Christian is one hand reaching up to Heaven, and one hand reaching back."

Matthew 5:9
2 Corinthians 5:20
1 John 1:9
Luke 22:54-62
John 21:15-19

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