The Unseen Enemy

August 07, 2022 | Pastor Darren DiBartolomeo

Passage: Nehemiah 5:1-19

But Nehemiah comes to them speaking the truth in love. You have to recognize this strife by saying, "What are you doing? Can't you see? This greed and this selfishness is destroying this community, it's destroying the work of God. We don't have to worry about the enemy outside of the walls - God has taken care of them." Greed is an ugly problem in the world today. Jesus said, "Come to me all who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest." Jesus models for us to be burden takers, not burden makers! How are you gonna help other people or come to the aid of other people if you don't even know them, if you're consumed with your own needs every day?

Nehemiah 5:1-19
Exodus 22:25
Matthew 21:12-13
1 Peter 4:9-10

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