Series: Genuine Jesus
August 27, 2023 | Pastor Darren DiBartolomeo
Passage: John 11:32-44
Series Information

Passage: John 11:32-44
Luke 5:1-11Luke 16:10Matthew 6:33
Genuine Jesus Series "Jesus is going to do a miracle, but not everyone...
"You're looking for God in the hard circumstances in life. Do you...
"There is one truth - Jesus said, 'I am the truth.' There is one way -...
"We gotta take the truth home with us, and to our workplaces, and to...
"How many times I've seen people come into the faith and suffering...
Are we better than the sinners outside? No, we're just like them! And I...
We have to tell them about Jesus. Without Jesus, the church is...
That's what the House of God is, it's a hospital for sick people...
It is so important for us to remember this morning: That God is with...
Here's this storm that comes suddenly. For us, it could be a phone call...
Genuine Jesus #12 Mark 5:1-201 John 3:8Philippians 2:10James 2:19Luke...
"Sometimes God doesn't change our hinderances because He wants to...
"What in your life seems impossible right now? That's God's specialty!...
We're stuck with the answer, "I can't." And you know what? God's okay...
"It was never going to be your resources that were going to sustain...
Genuine Jesus #17 "So here's the truth - an intimate God is actually...
"Let me tell you about God. I can tell you detailed information about...
"Sometimes they don't talk about sin because it makes people feel bad...
Genuine Jesus #22 Mark 9:14-29James 1:6
Genuine Jesus #24 Luke 14:1-6Romans 9:32 Corinthians 3:2-32...
Genuine Jesus #25 "God thinks differently about everything that...
Genuine Jesus #26 "Listen to what Daniel prophesied about what the...
Genuine Jesus #28 Mark 11:12-24